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Gps update

Опубликовано: 24.08.2018

Nikon | Download center | A-GPS Update File

A-GPS Update File

Выберите Вашу операционную систему.

Данная программа обновления программного обеспечения предназначена для продукта, которым владеет пользователь, указанного выше («затронутый продукт»), и предоставляется только по принятию соглашения, указанного ниже. После выбора «Принять» и нажатия «Загрузить» считается, что Вы приняли правила и условия данного соглашения. До начала загрузки убедитесь в том, что Вы поняли условия соглашения.

• Этот файл помогает Nikon 1 AW1/COOLPIX P900/S800c/S810c/S9500/S9700/S9900/AW110/AW110s/AW120/AW130/W300 GPS определить положение быстрее. • Файл не используется для определения положения сразу после покупки, но используется во второй раз, когда используется GPS.
Для пользователей Nikon 1 AW1

• Обновите прошивку Nikon 1 AW1 до версии 1.01 прошивки A/версии 1.00 прошивки B или новейшей, а затем обновите файл A-GPS фотокамеры.

Примечание: Предупреждения и прочую информацию об использовании данного программного обеспечения можно найти в документации, поставляемой в комплекте с фотокамерами, которые поддерживают эту функцию.

Описание файла Наименование изделия Название файла
Обновление файла A-GPS (Nikon 1 AW1) Используйте компьютер, чтобы загрузить новейший файл GPS с нашего веб-сайта. Используя устройство для чтения карт памяти или похожее устройство, скопируйте файл в папку «NCFL» на карте памяти SD.Примечание: Папку «NCFL» можно найти в корневой директории карты памяти. Если карта не содержит папку «NCFL», создайте новую папку в корневой директории и присвойте ей имя «NCFL». После копирования файла вставьте карту памяти в фотокамеру и включите фотокамеру. Нажмите кнопку MENU и используйте мультиселектор, чтобы выбрать вкладку меню Настройка. Выберите Данные о местополож. Выберите Обновить файл A-GPS для обновления файла. Обновление файла A-GPS (S800c/S810c) Используйте компьютер, чтобы загрузить новейший файл GPS с нашего веб-сайта. Используя устройство для чтения карт памяти или похожее устройство, скопируйте файл в папку «NCFL» на карте памяти SD.Примечание: Перед тем, как продолжить, создайте папку «NCFL» в корневой директории карты памяти. После копирования файла вставьте карту памяти в фотокамеру и включите фотокамеру. Выберите On (Вкл.) для Местоположение и защита > Спутники GPS в меню настроек платформы Android™. На дисплее съемки или просмотра нажмите кнопку MENU, а затем нажмите Настройка для просмотра меню Настройка. Выберите Параметры GPS в меню настройки. В меню Параметры GPS, выберите Обновить файл A-GPS, чтобы обновить данные A-GPS. Обновление файла A-GPS (P900/S9500/S9700/S9900/AW110/AW110s/AW120/AW130/W300) Используйте компьютер, чтобы загрузить новейший файл GPS с нашего веб-сайта. Используя устройство для чтения карт памяти или похожее устройство, скопируйте файл в папку «NCFL» на карте памяти SD.Примечание: Папку «NCFL» можно найти в корневой директории карты памяти. Если карта не содержит папку «NCFL», создайте новую папку в корневой директории и присвойте ей имя «NCFL». После копирования файла вставьте карту памяти в фотокамеру и включите фотокамеру. Нажмите кнопку MENU и используйте мультиселектор, чтобы выбрать вкладку GPS или меню данных о местоположении. Выберите Параметры GPS или Парам. дан. о местоп. Выберите Обновить файл A-GPS для обновления файла. Даты истечения срока действия
• Файл A-GPS действителен в течение 14 дней или дней, число которых кратно 14 дням. • Вы можете проверить дату истечения срока действия обновленного файла в диалоговом окне Обновить файл A-GPS. • Если срок действия файла истек, Вы можете загрузить последнюю версию файла A-GPS с данного веб-сайта и обновить данные A-GPS, как описано выше. • A-GPS не будет доступен, как только истечет срок действия файла A-GPS. • Может потребоваться больше времени для получения текущего положения, если срок действия файла A-GPS истек. Мы рекомендуем обновить файл A-GPS перед тем, как использовать функцию данных о местоположении.

Лицензионное соглашение с конечным пользователем

Данная услуга загрузки не доступна на Вашем устройстве.

Вы можете отправить на адрес своей электронной почты ссылку на данную загрузку для использования на другом устройстве.

Файлы в формате PDF можно просмотреть с помощью бесплатного программного обеспечения Adobe® Reader®.Загрузите Adobe® Reader®.


Nikon | Download center | A-GPS Update File

A-GPS Update File

Выберите Вашу операционную систему.

Данная программа обновления программного обеспечения предназначена для продукта, которым владеет пользователь, указанного выше («затронутый продукт»), и предоставляется только по принятию соглашения, указанного ниже. После выбора «Принять» и нажатия «Загрузить» считается, что Вы приняли правила и условия данного соглашения. До начала загрузки убедитесь в том, что Вы поняли условия соглашения.

• Этот файл помогает встроенным устройствам данных о местоположении зеркальных фотокамер D5300 D и компактных цифровых фотокамер COOLPIX P510, P520 и P330 определить положение быстрее. • Файл не используется для определения положения сразу после покупки, но используется во второй раз, когда используется GPS.

Примечание: Предупреждения и прочую информацию об использовании данного программного обеспечения можно найти в документации, поставляемой в комплекте с фотокамерами, которые поддерживают эту функцию.

Описание файла Наименование изделия Название файла
Обновление файла A-GPS (D5300) Загрузите обновление A-GPS.

• Загрузите обновление A-GPS с веб-сайта.

Скопируйте файл на карту памяти фотокамеры.

• Скопируйте файл в папку «NIKON» на карте памяти фотокамеры с помощью компьютера со встроенным гнездом для карты памяти или устройства чтения карт памяти стороннего производителя. Папка «NIKON» должна быть в корневой (верхней) директории карты памяти; если папка «NIKON» еще не существует в этом месте, создайте ее перед тем, как продолжить.

Вставьте карту памяти в фотокамеру. Включите фотокамеру. Обновите данные A-GPS.

• Выберите Данные о местоположении > Параметры GPS в МЕНЮ НАСТРОЙКИ фотокамеры, затем выделите Обновить данные A-GPS и нажмите мультиселектор вправо. Выделите Да и нажмите OK (Да), чтобы выполнить обновление файла A-GPS на карте памяти.

Обновление файла A-GPS (P510, P520, P330) Используйте компьютер, чтобы загрузить новейший файл GPS с нашего веб-сайта. Используя устройство для чтения карт памяти или похожее устройство, скопируйте файл в папку «NCFL» на карте памяти SD.

• Папка «NCFL» будет создана под корневой директорией карты памяти, когда карта вставлена в фотокамеру.

• Если карта не содержит папку «NCFL», создайте ее в корневой директории.

После копирования файла вставьте карту памяти в фотокамеру и включите фотокамеру. Нажмите кнопку MENU и выберите вкладку настроек GPS, чтобы отобразить меню настроек GPS. Выберите Параметры GPS > Запись данных GPS > Выкл. Выберите Обновить файл A-GPS для обновления файла.

• Обновление занимает около 2 минут.

• Файл A-GPS действителен в течение 7 дней или дней, число которых кратно 7 дням.

• Вы можете проверить срок годности обновленного файла в диалоговом окне «Обновить файл GPS».

• Если срок действия файла истек, Вы можете загрузить новейший файл A-GPS с данного веб-сайта и обновить данные A-GPS, как описано в шагах 2-6.

Даты истечения срока действия
• Несмотря на то, что загруженный файл содержит данные за 28 дней (4 недели), при каждом обновлении будут загружены данные только за 7 (COOLPIX P510/P520/P330) или 14 (D5300) дней во встроенную систему данных о местоположении фотокамеры. Дату истечения срока действия данных, загруженных во встроенную систему данных о местоположении, можно просмотреть на экране Обновить файл A-GPS. • До тех пор, пока не истечет срок действия загруженного файла, Вы можете обновить данные A-GPS для встроенного устройства данных о местоположении за неделю при использовании опции Обновить файл A-GPS (P510/P520/P330) или Обновить данные A-GPS. Принимая во внимание, что дата истечения срока действия файла A-GPS будет приближаться, мы рекомендуем загружать новейший файл A-GPS перед каждым обновлением.

Лицензионное соглашение с конечным пользователем

Данная услуга загрузки не доступна на Вашем устройстве.

Вы можете отправить на адрес своей электронной почты ссылку на данную загрузку для использования на другом устройстве.

Файлы в формате PDF можно просмотреть с помощью бесплатного программного обеспечения Adobe® Reader®.Загрузите Adobe® Reader®.


Nikon | Download center | A-GPS Update File

A-GPS Update File

Select your operating system.

This software update program is for the customer-owned product listed above (the “affected product”), and is provided only on acceptance of the agreement listed below. By selecting “Accept” and clicking “Download”, you are held to have accepted the terms and conditions of the agreement. Be sure you understand the terms of the agreement before beginning download.

• This file helps the Nikon 1 AW1/COOLPIX P900/S800c/S810c/S9500/S9700/S9900/AW110/AW110s/AW120/AW130/W300 GPS determine position faster. • The file is not used to determine position immediately after purchase, but is employed the second time GPS is used.

Note: Warnings and other information on using this software can be found in the documentation supplied with cameras that support this feature.

File Description Product Name File Name
Updating the A-GPS File (Nikon 1 AW1) Use your computer to download the latest GPS file from our website. Using a card reader or similar device, copy the file to the "NCFL" folder on the SD memory card. Note: The "NCFL" folder can be found in the root directory of the memory card. If the card does not contain an "NCFL" folder, create a new folder in the root directory and name it "NCFL". After copying the file, insert the card into the camera and turn the camera on. Press the MENU button and use the multi selector to select the setup menu tab. Select "Location data". Select Update A-GPS file to update the file. Updating the A-GPS File (S800c/S810c) Use your computer to download the latest GPS file from our website. Using a card reader or similar device, copy the file to the "NCFL" folder on the SD memory card. Note: Before proceeding, create an "NCFL" folder in the root directory of the memory card. After copying the file, insert the card into the camera and turn the camera on. Select On for Location and Security > Use GPS satellites in the Android™ platform settings menu. In the shooting or playback display, tap the MENU button and then tap Setup to view the setup menu. Select GPS options in the setup menu. In the GPS options menu, select Update A-GPS file to update A-GPS data. Updating the A-GPS File (P900/S9500/S9700/S9900/AW110/AW110s/AW120/AW130/W300) Use your computer to download the latest GPS file from our website. Using a card reader or similar device, copy the file to the "NCFL" folder on the SD memory card. Note: The "NCFL" folder can be found in the root directory of the memory card. If the card does not contain an "NCFL" folder, create a new folder in the root directory and name it "NCFL". After copying the file, insert the card into the camera and turn the camera on. Press the MENU button and use the multi selector to select the GPS or location data menu tab. Select GPS options or Location data options. Select Update A-GPS file to update the file. Expiry Dates
• The A-GPS file is valid for 14 days or a multiple of 14 days. • You can check the expiry date for the updated file in the “Update GPS File” dialog. • If the file has expired, you can download the latest A-GPS file from this website and update A-GPS data as described above. • A-GPS is not available once the A-GPS file has expired. • More time may be required to acquire the current position if the A-GPS file has expired. We recommend that you update the A-GPS file before using the location data function.

End User License Agreement

This download service is not available on your device.

You can send yourself an e-mail with a link to this download for use on another device.


Nikon | Download center | A-GPS Update File

A-GPS Update File

Select your operating system.

This software update program is for the customer-owned product listed above (the “affected product”), and is provided only on acceptance of the agreement listed below. By selecting “Accept” and clicking “Download”, you are held to have accepted the terms and conditions of the agreement. Be sure you understand the terms of the agreement before beginning download.

• This file helps built-in location data units for the D5300 D-SLR cameras and COOLPIX P510, P520, and P330 compact digital cameras determine position faster. • The file is not used to determine position immediately after purchase, but is employed the second time GPS is used.

Note: Warnings and other information on using this software can be found in the documentation supplied with cameras that support this feature.

File Description Product Name File Name
Updating the A-GPS File (D5300) Download the A-GPS update.

• Download the A-GPS update from the website.

Copy the file to the camera memory card.

• Copy the file to the "NIKON" folder on the camera memory card using a computer with a built-in memory card slot or a third-party memory card reader. The "NIKON" folder should be in the root (top) directory of the memory card; if a "NIKON" folder does not already exist in this location, create one before proceeding.

Insert the memory card into the camera. Turn the camera on. Update the A-GPS data.

• Select "Location data" > "GPS options" in the camera setup menu, then highlight "Update A-GPS data" and press the multi-selector right. Highlight "Yes" and press "OK" to perform the update using the A-GPS file on the memory card.

Updating the A-GPS File (P510, P520, P330) Use your computer to download the latest GPS file from our website. Using a card reader or similar device, copy the file to the "NCFL" folder on the SD memory card.

• An "NCFL" folder is created under the root directory of the memory card when the card is inserted in the camera.

• If the card does not contain an "NCFL" folder, create one in the root directory.

After copying the file, insert the card into the camera and turn the camera on. Press MENU and select the GPS settings tab to display the GPS settings menu. Select GPS options > Record location > Off. Select Update A-GPS file to update the file.

• The update takes about 2 minutes to complete.

• The A-GPS file is valid for 7 days or a multiple of 7 days.

• You can check the expiry date for the updated file in the "Update GPS File" dialog.

• If the file has expired, you can download the latest A-GPS file from this website and update A-GPS data as described in Steps 2 to 6.

Expiry Dates
• Although the downloaded file contains 28 days (4 weeks) of data, each update will upload only 7 (COOLPIX P510/P520/P330) or 14 (D5300) days of data to the camera's built-in location data system. The expiry date for the data uploaded to the built-in location data system can be viewed in the "Update A-GPS file" display. • Until the downloaded file expires, you can update the A-GPS data for the built-in location data unit a week at a time using the "Update A-GPS file" (P510/P520/P330) or "Update A-GPS data" option. Given that the expiry date for the A-GPS file will get closer with the passage of time, however, we recommended downloading the latest A-GPS file before each update.

End User License Agreement

This download service is not available on your device.

You can send yourself an e-mail with a link to this download for use on another device.





  Related Websites: Related Categories: Primary Country:
1. asiagps.org Garmin 1200, Garmin gps, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1300 Great Britain (UK)
2. garmin.be Garmin Forerunner 110, Garmin gps, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1200, Nuvi 1200 Belgium
3. garmin.co.za Garmin gps, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1200, Nuvi 1200, Nuvi 1300 South Africa
4. garmin.ua Garmin gps, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1200, Nuvi 1200 Ukraine
5. gpsdiscussion.com Garmin gps, Garmin Map Update, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1300 United States
6. gpsmundo.com Garmin 1200, Garmin gps, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1300, Nuvi 1300 Argentina
7. haklabs.com Garmin gps, Garmin Map Update, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Updates United States
8. megagps.com Garmin gps, Garmin Lifetime, Garmin Map Update, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Updates United States
9. bestcargpsprice.com Garmin Forerunner 110, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1300, Nuvi 1300 United States
10. garmin.com.tr Garmin gps, Garmin Nuvi, Garmin Nuvi 1200, Garmin Nuvi 1300 Turkey

Why is this information so valuable ?

The best way to be up to date in your field is to be informed what your competitors are doing. Related sites display the sites that are your competitors. Monitoring competition is the best way to keep up with your direct competitors. The more you know about your competitors, the bigger the possibility is for you to get valuable inspiration and create features that they do not offer, or only do in a limited way, and therefore stay ahead of them.





On-Site Info




According to regular HTML validation errors in HTML on www.gps-update.com were fluctuating between 155 (minimum) and 306 (maximum) during the last year.


Why is this information so valuable?

Search engines love valid HTML documents because of the simple reason that "it makes their job easier". For example if you don’t close some tags or if you simply don’t deliver HTML in orderly fashion, it makes the parsing process of your HTML document harder, which draws additional resources from the search engine.

Therefore, search engines tend to favour documents that contain 100% valid HTML. If you want to get detailed information on where you made any mistakes, you should search for open source validators that are able to display these errors within the HTML code. The fact that your website is correctly displayed in your browser does not necessarily mean that your HTML documents are 100% correct.



SEO Score shows degree of following the guidelines of search engines on Gps-update.com. Score for Gps-update.com is 67.68% and its above 50% which shows there is room for improvement, but the value is not alarming.


What does SEO Score mean?

Themecraft.net’s SEO Score display the compatibility of the site with the way search engines process data and index webpages. Basically, it displays the extent to which the site follows the guidelines of search engines. The higher in percentage the themecraft.net SEO Score is, the more “search engine-friendly” your site is.





Off-Site Info


www.gps-update.com had minimum 16 and maximum 16 external links over the last year.

www.gps-update.com had minimum 4 and maximum 4 internal links over the last year.


Why is this information so valuable?

Most of the search engines use formulas similar to pagerank that uses external and internal links as main inputs to determine the importance of specific documents and their ranking in results.

Basically, the great increase in number of external links over a certain level is causing the loss of importance of the site in favour of those sites that are being linked.

Every webmaster should consider which sites are important and worth linking. A rapid growth in the number of external links indicates possible problems with people that abuse, for example guestbooks on domain to submit their links, or even possible cross site scripting abuse and so on...



www.gps-update.com had minimum 42 and maximum 42 indexed pages (pages that are known by search engine on the domain, documents on www.gps-update.com that can be searched and found) over the last year.


Why is this information so valuable?

Every responsible webmaster should know the actual number of pages (unique documents) of the domain. As soon as your indexed pages exceed the number of actual unique documents, you will know for sure that you have duplicate content in the search engine index. Search engines tend to penalize sites with duplicate content, because they are simply draining their resources for no reason.



www.gps-update.com had minimum 253,000,000 and maximum 253,000,000 links pointed from other sites to www.gps-update.com (links that search engines use to calculate importance of www.gps-update.com) over the last year.


Why is this information so valuable?

Sites linking to your site are basically "voting" for your site to be higher in ranking in the same way one votes for a candidate in democratic elections.

The more votes the candidate gets, the higher the chance is that he will win the elections. Search engines pay special attention to this ranking factor and every webmaster who relies on search engine traffic should do the same. Basically, backlinks are one of the most important factors that influence the position of your site in search engine results.




Traffic Info


Why is this information so valuable?

Information displayed on this part of themecraft.net helps you understand the structure of your visitors. All the numbers show the estimate number of visitors coming from the different world regions. This information is valuable, because if you notice that a large number of visitors come from some part of the world that speaks a language that your website does not support, you should consider translating your site into those particular languages.




Domain Info
Pagerank value of gps-update.com: 3/10

Google Pagerank of www.gps-update.com is 3/10. (If pagerank of anyweb.com is for example 4/10 it means that it is 2 times more powerful than Pagerank 3/10 and 2 times less powerful thank pagerank 5/10.)




Server Info




View Larger Map
IP Address: Country: United States (US) Region: Texas City: Houston Postal Code: 77002 Area Code: 713 Latitude: 29.7523 Longitude: -95.367





DNS1: ns869.hostgator.comDNS2: ns870.hostgator.com

Hosting company is place where www.gps-update.com is hosted. Either virtual hosting account or dedicated server is home for www.gps-update.com in this company. Server that hosts www.gps-update.com is located in United States on exact coordinates 29.7523 (latitude) and -95.367 (longitude). IP address of www.gps-update.com is


You can find this information also at the following link: gps-update.com.









This is a easy download process user guide, it provides that download method to the end user to download firmware, voice, database, etc... Before executes the download program, you shall check what’s computer installing in your current PC.

Applies to Microsoft Windows XP / 2000 (X86) Service Pack 2 prior to Version

• PL-2303 USB-to-Serial (2.99MB)

• Microsoft Installer 3.1 (2.6MB)

• Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 (23MB)

* If you use the Microsoft Windows XP / 2000 (X86) Service Pack 2, you must install upon three programs before downloading.

Applies to Microsoft Windows XP / 2000 (X86) Service Pack 3 prior to Version

• PL-2303 USB-to-Serial (2.99MB)

• Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 (2.8MB)

* If you use the Microsoft Windows XP / 2000 (X86) Service Pack 3, you must install upon two programs before downloading.

Applies to Microsoft Windows Vista / 7(X64)

• PL-2303 USB-to-Serial (2.99MB)

* If you use the Microsoft Windows Vista(X64), you must install upon the program before downloading.

Applies to Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 (X86)

• PL-2303 USB-to-Serial (2.99MB)

* If you use the Microsoft Windows Vista (X86), you must install upon the program before downloading.

Step 1   Connect the USB download from PC to Speed camera locator.


Step 2   The speed camera locator shall be show the system at download model.

Step 3   Please press the UPLOAD button icon which is located at web right side.

Step 4   After that, there is a message as like as below, and please press OK button to accept the next steps.

Step 5   You can see the application run-security warning message, please press Run button to accept the next steps too.

Step 6   Please click Read button as below, waiting a moment for checking POI of database from GPS radar detector.

Step 7   After uploading database for GPS radar detector, you can see the POI table.

Fill information in detail as the same database table as below:

Column description in keyword

• Zoom:Click the zoon button, and you can review the POI location from Google map.

• Don’t Upload:Some POI location, maybe it’s only testing pinpoints. You shall mark it without uploading to server.

• You can edit some information about the speed limit, camera type, head in of POI direction, County, Town, Road etc. and fill the location address in detail according real address. You can edit that by the icon to select it. ▽

• Speed limits: it’s from 20 to 160 km/hr (mile).

• Camera Type: there are several types in column.

1. Red Light camera (Red-light cameras ahead, speed limit is △△ Km per hour)

2. Fix Speedcam (Fixed cameras ahead, speed limit is △△ Km per hour)

3. Mobile Speedcam (Moible cameras ahead, speed limit is △△ Km per hour)

4. Tunnel (Tunnel ahead, speed limit is △△ Km per hour)

5. Toll booth ( Toll booth ahead, speed limit is △△ Km per hour)

6. Section camera positions (Section camera ahead , speed limit △△ Km/h)

7. Tunnel Speed cam (Entering tunnel speed camera ahead ,Speed limit △△ Km/h)

• Head in: It’s a pinpoint direction of your travel, and provides the warning direction from the start point.

• Edit:There are three kinds of types

Add - Mark POI with add new speed camera

Remove - Mark POI with Speed camera delete

Revise - Mark POI with modify some information

How to check if the pinpoint location is correct? Please check the figure 1

Click the zoon button, and you can review the POI location from Google map. To select which one is best one for you, it offers three type maps which provides Google map.

Before uploading database, please fill the user information in detail and then send out it.

The A/S server worker would possible to touch with you if necessary. All database will be checked it again, and share to others user later.

Step 8   Uploading now, please click the OK button.

Step 9   Wait a moment, after uploading, it will show upload successfully.


honda gps update | Free Garmin Map Updates

Last Update January 12th, 2017: The Honda Navigation DVD for 2017 has now been released and if you own any Honda model that comes with in-built in-dash GPS and navigation then now is the time that you should be buying a Honda GPS update.  The maps on a Honda GPS are supplied by Navteq and the 2017 Honda GPS Update DVD is now available to purchase or get for free.  Click on the link and button below to see what the options are available to you.

Why Should You Buy Honda GPS Map Updates?

The latest Honda Navigation DVD for 2017 has been released this September of 2014 and contains the most up to date routes and maps that are currently available.  By getting the new Honda GPS DVD you can take advantage of all the new roads and junctions that have appeared on the nation’s streets – plus the new Honda Update DVD also includes the latest points of interest files (POIs) which include great additional places to navigate to such as gas stations, ATMs, hotels, restaurants and much more.

Buy a Honda DVD Map Update Online

The only place you can get your hands on an official Honda Navigation DVD for 2017 is direct from the Honda Navigation.com online store.  This will let you pick and choose the model of Honda that you drive, and also the year of manufacture.

Once you have selected your vehicle the website will display the Honda GPS updates available for you and will let you add them to your cart and proceed to a payment checkout.  The Honda Navigation DVD will then be posted to you and will typically arrive within a couple of days or ordering.

Honda vehicle models covered and which have GPS map updates available for include:

Accord Accord Crosstour CR-Z CRV Civic Element Fit Insight Odyssey Pilot Ridgeline

Installing Honda Navigation DVD GPS Updates

The install process of getting the latest GPS maps refreshed in your Honda is very simple.  Once your 2017 DVD has arrived in the post you will need to perform what is called a GPS System Upgrade in a few easy steps:

Start your Honda car/vehicle up Turn the GPS device’s power on Put the Honda Navigation DVD 2017 into the CD slot It will then ask you to enter your authorization code which you can find on the DVD case The automatic Honda GPS update will then commence by itself

You will just need to wait a little while until the system notifies you that the upgrade to the GPS maps has completed – and once you see that notification you are ready to drive to your next destination knowing that the maps on the Honda in-dash GPS are as current as they can possibly be.

Reasons to Update and Buy Official Honda GPS Updates

Don’t believe other websites which promise you a free download of the latest Honda Navigation DVD because there’s only one place you can get the new refreshed maps – and that’s on the Honda Navigation.com Online Store which is linked to in this guide.  Some un-official websites will claim to offer you a free Honda GPS update download rather than you paying for the legitimate Honda Navi DVD – but this won’t be the case and you will be disappointed.

I would advise that you do not go down this route for a number of reasons.  Downloading Honda updates from a website other than Honda and Navigation.com could make you run the risk of installing viruses onto your computer – plus the download you get will not work with the installed GPS in your car.

It is even possible that you could cause irreparable damage to the in-car in-dash system in your vehicle and also compromise on the security of your PC.  You need an official Honda GPS DVD – nothing else will work in your system.

What About Free Honda Navigation Updates?

Some people have emailed this website asking “can I get a free Honda GPS update DVD or download”.  The simple answer is no although some car dealers will offer you a free DVD – or occasionally there might be a promotion with the Honda store offering you a free Honda map update.

To check all of the available options for your model then make sure you click here now to visit the official Navigation.com Honda store which is the only online place where you can buy Honda Navigation DVDs.

If you would like to know more about the Honda Navigation DVD including details on which color DVDs are best for what model of vehicle, for example Accord, Civic, Odyssey, Pilot, or CRV then make sure you visit this independent website that was launched recently. It has very comprehensive information on the Honda Navi GPS update discs and is the best source anywhere on the Internet. To find out more please visit www.hondanavigationdvd.net or another website I recently discovered which specializes in the sale of Honda Navteq DVDs and Maps.

